Hi, guys! Today, a recipe for the simplest and cheapest possible, eco-friendly mouthwash without fluoride. I like it very much for its delicate taste and nice effect.
You’re probably wondering if mouthwashes are effective even when they don’t have fluoride? Sure. After all, we want freshness and rinse out food remains: even rinsing your teeth after a meal with an ordinary tap water can do this. I use ecological mouthwash often, even several times a day, to refresh and protect; especially when I don’t have time to clean my teeth thoroughly after eating foods that caries bacteria like to eat – fatty, sweet or fibrous. You will probably ask again: why make a DIY natural mouthwash when the drugstores are full of toothpaste and mouthwashes?

Well, because there aren’t many fluids without fluoride to choose from. I know that there is a natural Sylveco mouthwash, Herbal mouthwash, but I haven’t tried it yet (who has tested, let me write a comment, is it worth being tempted :)) I buy Ziaja med mouthwash with xylitol in a white, large bottle, the good composition of which is based simply on xylitol instead of fluoride. It has a sweet, mildly minty flavor and is inexpensive, unfortunately not available anywhere outside of Ziaja’s stores. And always and everywhere I look after him, they allegedly disappear quickly and their fluoride-free toothpaste and this liquid. Is there a niche in the market? 🙂
My family also appreciates the use of homemade, herbal mouthwashes, because the taste is always adjusted – after all, not everyone likes smoking alcohol and menthol, which is so much that it sometimes hurts and twists the mouth …
My recipe also, as I mentioned, has a very mild aftertaste, but enough to make you feel fresh for a long time. However, if you like stronger lotions, give them more mint and oils.
Herbal diy mouthwash with sage and mint
- two tablespoons (or two teabags) of dried medical sage
- spoon of dried mint
- a few cloves
- teaspoon of xylitol
- a teaspoon of baking soda
- one and a half cups of boiling water
- spoon of vodka
- a few drops of essential oils
We make an infusion of herbs and cloves by pouring hot, but not boiling water over them. Leave it covered until it is stretched, then strain it. Add the rest of the loose ingredients to the cool infusion and mix it, then add essential oils – about 6 drops are enough for this amount of the finished liquid. We leave it for an hour to “bite” and it’s ready. Simple isn’t it? Quick and cheap mouthwash without chemicals.

Why these ingredients?
Sage has a disinfecting effect, inhibits the multiplication of bacteria that cause caries, and also helps with gingivitis and periodontal problems.
Mint wonderfully refreshes the breath and has a bacteriostatic effect.
Baking soda is a frequent addition to commercial whitening toothpastes, and it also has an antibacterial effect.
Cloves have an analgesic and antiseptic effect.
Xylitol is not only responsible for the mild, sweet aftertaste of the liquid, but also prevents tooth decay and tartar build-up. You can also replace Stevia or hydrogen peroxide, it is important that it is a bactericidal component.
The best essential oils for the paste will also be those with antibacterial properties: tea tree, clove, mint, lemon, eucalyptus, cinnamon or chamomile.

Homemade mouthwash without fluoride is best prepared and stored in a glass, dark, screwed container, e.g. a jar – I used to make it in a used liquid container, but essential oils can “chew through” a plastic bottle, and herbs, when exposed to moisture and light lose many of its properties. I usually pour some of the liquid into a small pharmacy container and keep the rest in the refrigerator.
The fluid is preserved with alcohol and should form for about 2 weeks without deteriorating. At that time, usually I would have used it long ago, so I don’t know exactly how long it is. I like to make small portions to be used “for now”. However, if you want to do it less often, and in larger portions, it is better to add an ecological preservative to the liquid (available for purchase in a store with semi-finished products, e.g. make yourself a cream). You can of course add more vodka if you are not sensitive to it.
I also invite you to have a look at my other DIY recipes for oral hygiene:
How do you like such a recipe? Do you use mouth rinses? Do you know any other mouthwashes without fluoride? Give me a message in the comments! 🙂