Body care empties 2020 | natural organic cosmetics
Hey guys! Today I have another empties for you, i.e. used body cosmetics from almost the entire last year. I wrote the last entry with the wear of the face bottom, and this time my bottom will be about natural body care products. I hope you found this type of post interesting. I plan to write about different…
Natural hair care empties from 2020
Hey guys! Today, it’s time for the finalHair empties cosmetic wear throughout the past year. This will be a summary of all your hair care products consumed. Every year I make various types of shorter and longer bottom designs, but periodically, at the beginning of winter, I also organize one big cleaning in cosmetic supplies. I do it…
Empties 2020 | natural face care cosmetics
Hey guys! Today I have another empties for you, i.e. natural face cosmetic from almost the entire last year. I wrote the last entry about hair wear, and this time my bottom will be about face care products. I hope you found this type of post interesting. I plan to write about different consumables along with short reviews…
20 in 2020 | empties project pan final
Hi! Today, it’s time for the final empties 2020, cosmetic wear of the past year. This will be a summary of your hair care products usage, which is an update to the post where I started the bottom 20 project in 2020. For the last few months I have been using only these things, interweaving the care…
Empties | natural cosmetics for body care
Hello! Today it’s time for the next empties, the cosmetic used up of the last weeks. This time, my bottom will be for face, body and hand care products. I hope you will find such posts interesting. I plan to write about different types of consumption much more often, we will see how I can achieve it. Are you curious…
Hair products empties | natural hair products junkie
Hi guys! Every year I make various kinds of shorter and longer empties, but cyclically, at the beginning of winter, I also organize one big cleaning in cosmetic supplies. I do it mainly to throw away all the products that have expired, to use those that are ending by themselves, but those that I never…
Project pan 20 in 2020 | hair empties update
Hello! Today it’s time for the new Project pan update, the cosmetic i used up of the last weeks. This time, my update will be about hair care products, or rather it’s an update to the post where I started the pan project 20 in 2020. Over the next few months, I will only use these things,…