Hey guys! Today I have prepared another post for you about natural methods of care – how to tan quickly so that our skin remains healthy, smooth and has a beautiful, brown color – perfect for summer!
If you are going on vacation and / or want to sunbathe quickly in the sun, but you are concerned about skin damage and health problems, this post is just for you! Going out into the harsh sun without preparation can definitely end badly, but luckily there are simple methods for a quick and healthy tan, even in the worst heat. Therefore, I invite you to my advice and the rest of the post.

How to tan quickly?
Going out into the harsh sun without preparation can definitely end badly, but luckily there are simple methods for a quick and healthy tan, even in the worst heat. Appropriate cosmetics, dietary supplements, head protection and exercise can help.
Remember, however, that any long and intense sunbathing is dangerous not only for the skin, but also for our health. Don’t go out in the sun in the hottest heat! Every now and then, while sunbathing, cool off with water or go to the shade. Stay hydrated. Protect your face and head, and pay special attention to birthmarks and scars.
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Beta-carotene for tanning
In pharmacies, we can find special preparations that will prepare the skin to meet the sun. They will contain beta-carotene , one of the plant dyes that gives the skin a healthy, slightly darker shade. After sunbathing, this color deepens nicely and at the same time protects the skin from the sun.
Start supplementation before departure, because you will have to wait about 3-4 weeks for the results of the action.
You can also drink pure carrot juice – it has a similar effect, but the effect will be less.

Tanning accelerator – is it worth it?
It is a cosmetic adored by lovers of a beautiful tan. How does such a product work? It accelerates the production of melanin and in combination with the sun it gives a natural-looking tan, even brown.
Most of them are equipped with a sunscreen, but very low , usually at the level of SPF 5 – SPF 10. The use of the accelerator should therefore be combined with a cream with a filter at the level of at least SPF 30.
How to tan quickly? Take breaks
Fast does not mean healthy, because when it comes to sunbathing, it is better to go out in the sun more often and shorter than once and for a long time. It is also best not to stay on the beach for several hours in a row, especially between 11.00 and 14.00, when the sun is shining at its strongest. Of course, we always use SPF cosmetics and wear a hat to protect our head against stroke. This will allow you to enjoy a beautiful and healthy tan without redness and peeling skin.
How to tan quickly? Movement in the sun !
No wonder the volleyball players have such beautifully tanned skin! Thanks to a dose of exercise, you sunbathe evenly, burn calories, and also cool down. Play volleyball, beach ball, run, walk along the shoreline. Anything is better than bored of lying in the blazing sun for hours!
How NOT to sunbathe?
One of the most controversial methods we strongly advise against is butter tanning. It provides lubrication and perhaps a nice color, but gives the skin absolutely no protection. Besides, nobody wants to smell like butter, sand-stained like breadcrumbs …
You can buy many cheap and healthy tanning cosmetics in stores, so let’s leave this method of our grandmothers between the pages of history. There are better ways!
Also, sitting in the sun after bathing without wiping your skin with a towel is very dangerous. The salty droplets from the sea act like a magnet in the sun’s rays. It may burn you! After each bath, you need to wipe it and apply another layer of sunscreen with a high UV filter.

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And after sunbathing?
Use carrot oil and aloe vera. You can buy many interesting after-sun cosmetics, which also have a cooling and soothing effect on burnt skin. However, if you want to regenerate it naturally, use oils and aloe vera.
Carrot oil is especially recommended for summer – thanks to the high content of beta-carotene, it improves the color of the skin, nourishes it, deepens and preserves the tan. Use it after returning from the beach. The skin will be moisturized and regenerated. You can also add it to your favorite lotion. For all skin irritations and burning, use aloe vera gel, you can mix it with oil as a quick serum that regenerates the whole body and face after sunbathing.
Do you already have holiday sunbathing? Ania