Hey! Today I have another recipe for you for delicious Christmas dishes: vegan mushroom-soybean sauerkraut, with dried mushrooms and soybean cubes. After all, our festive table cannot miss this traditional dish!
Making this vegan dish is simple and takes little time. For cooking, we can use dried mushrooms, porcini mushrooms and / or boletus mushrooms from the store, but it’s best to use those you pick yourself during autumn trips to the forest. Then Christmas has its own special atmosphere, and the bigos has a taste that no one can resist. I admit that such a warm, fragrant, aromatic mushroom dish is my favorite Christmas Eve dish! Nothing compares to the taste of properly prepared homemade stew. In addition, we have a vegan version, less fat than the traditional one and much healthier, but the taste can sometimes be mistaken for a typical bigos, so no worries, all household members will eat it. If you are looking for just such a recipe, I invite you to the rest of the post.

Vegan mushroom stew – recipe, how to make
- 2 kg of sauerkraut with carrots
- soybean cube -packaging
- vege broth (preferably mushroom)
- dried mushrooms (mixture or porcini mushrooms)
- large onion
- a little tomato paste
- soy sauce / maggi
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil / olive oil for frying
- a few seeds of juniper, 2 bay leaves, turmeric
- pepper, salt, allspice, marjoram
Execution of Vegan stew:
Soak the mushrooms.
Rinse the dried mushrooms thoroughly under running water, pour warm broth in a pot and leave to soak, preferably overnight.
Soak the soy cube in the morning in the mushroom broth according to recipe on the package, leave to swell.
Drain the sauerkraut in a strainer and press the juice carefully with your fingers.
Chop the cabbage finely, put it in a pot and pour water over it. We cook for a long time over low heat.
Drain the cubes and mushrooms and pour the water over the cabbage. Slice the mushrooms finely on a board and add them to the cabbage.
We peel the onion and cut it into slices. Put the frying pan in the oil, put the onion on the hot fat and pour the soy sauce over it. After a while of frying, add the soy cube and fry everything until browned.
After frying, put the soybeans in a saucepan and mix everything well with a long wooden spoon. Season to taste with the given spices and concentrate. You can add it to the more sour taste of sauerkraut juice.
Cook the bigos seasoned in such a way over low heat for a long time until it is aromatic and tasty. It’s best to do it the day before and leave it overnight and boil it again for a while before serving.
Similar: Christmas Eve mushroom soup, made of dried mushrooms

We do not pour out the cabbage juice, you can add it to the ready-made bigos or use it for cooking other dishes, e.g. cabbage soup or even drink it raw for health.
Bigos likes to bite, it is good to make it even a few days before Christmas, leave it overnight and cook it several times. Such will be pride!
Do you like such vegan recipes?