Sage (Salvia officinalis) is one of the best known medicinal herbs. Sage can be used for dandruff and gray hair. The raw material used in cosmetics are its leaves. It contains disinfecting essential oils, catechin tannins, phenolic acids, triterpene acids, mineral salts, phytosterols, vitamins B and C and flavonoids.
Sage has disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is often used in the production of hair cosmetics, e.g. in anti-dandruff shampoos for dry dandruff and mottles. Sage works anti-seborrheic and anti-dandruff, disinfects the scalp and prevents irritation. Darkens the hair and smoothes them, gives them depth and beautiful shine.
Where to buy sage for dandruff?
Dried sage leaves can be bought at herbal stores, drugstores selling natural cosmetics online, at almost any pharmacy; Fix herbal teas can also be found in grocery stores, but it’s best to use whole, dried leaves that always work better than powdered herbal remnants in chemically colored bags.

Sage for dandruff
Sage has antifungal properties, but it also helps with greasy hair and oily dandruff, pink Gilbert’s dandruff, etc. because it reduces sebum production and disinfects the scalp. It eliminates itching caused by yeast and all irritations and strengthens hair roots.
Preparation of sage witters for dandruff
- Sage
- Black tea (leafy and strong, e.g. Earl Gray)
- Vodka or other strong alcohol
Prepare the brew by pouring a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of sage with a tablespoon of black tea. Cover and brew for stretching. Then strain. Add a tablespoon of vodka to the cooled mixture, mix and let stand for about an hour. Rub thoroughly into the scalp. It is enough to use 5 ml of the mixture at a time, measuring using a syringe or bottle with a spout. Keep the apple in the fridge. Use it for at least 5 days in a row, and the condition of the scalp should improve significantly.
Sage grater sifting hair
Sage also has coloring properties, so it can permanently darken (to some extent) gray hair, without destroying or weakening the bulbs, as strong chemical paints and popular de-scavengers do.
Unfortunately, there is no immediate action like chemicals. You will have to wait for the results and repeat the treatment several times.
However, I tested this method on myself and I assure it works – at least on the first, single, gray hair on the temples. It’s also great for dandruff in children.
Preparation of the sieving grate:
- Sage
- Nettle leaves
- Black tea
Mix 2 tablespoons dried sage with the same amount of strong black tea and nettle leaves. It’s best to do it in a plastic bowl. Pour the herbs with boiling water. Cover the bowl with a lid or aluminum foil and put in a preheated oven at 190 degrees, preferably for a few hours. You can also put the mixture all night at the radiator.
The brew should get very dark. Then remove the mixture, cool it and strain it. We keep up to several days in the fridge.
We immerse the swab in the mixture and smear a small amount of the infusion in places where grayed strands occur, e.g. in the temples. You can also draw the mixture into a syringe and spread it along the parting, imitating covering your hair with paint. it is a natural paint for gray men’s hair.

Scalp sage mask
This is one of the most time-consuming methods, because we need to prepare such a mixture the day before and keep it on our head for a long time, but it is also more effective – in my opinion – than wcierki. It works especially with gray, light suckers, the mask covers them completely with a layer of herbs and can evenly color partitions.
This mask works on both dandruff and is a great home remedy for gray hair.
Preparation of the mask:
- Three tablespoons of Sage
- A tablespoon of nettle and oak bark
- A teaspoon of honey or glycerin
- Hot water
* Optionally, you can also add other herbs for your hair, I often add Tulsi, which better disinfects the scalp, as well as ground calamus rhizome and horsetail.
Finely grind the herbs, e.g. with a coffee grinder. We pour into a bowl – it is always worth making fresh mixtures, do not keep in stock.
Pour the mixture over night with honey water to the level of herbs. In the morning they should have a darker color and the mixture should be denser because the herbs are soaked with water.
We add a little water, drops of oil or conditioner to make the paste easier to lubricate. We wash hair with shampoo and a strong detergent. We cover the scalp evenly with paste and wrap, preferably with cling film or a shower cap. We do not cover the length of the hair, but you can brush it with a light conditioner.
We keep the mask on our head at least half an hour, it is better to leave it for an entire hour. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with running cool water.
If you can’t rinse away any remaining herbs or your hair appears stiff, you can wash it again with a milder shampoo, but then the dyeing effect on gray hair will definitely be less.

We usually use this mask once a week.
It is cumbersome to use, but as I said, it is the most effective. Such a treatment helped me to tone down my blatantly white, gray hair, I also have a rash of baby hair and … Well, I sincerely hope that my hair growth also accelerates 🙂
Sage can also be used for dandruff in a dog, as any natural cosmetic should not harm our four-legged friends, but it is worth doing an allergic test on your paw 🙂
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