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Lorem Vit, Strong Hair and Good Sleep, herbal blends

Hello guys! Today will be a post about Lorem Vit, the natural herbal blends that I have been testing for you over the past few weeks. I really like the idea of natural supplements in the form of ready-made herbal teas.

Lorem Vit offers many herbal blends. I chose two types of ready-made herbs: Strong Hair and Good Sleep, because these are the problems I have recently had and I would like to focus on. Strong Hair is a ready-made mixture of interesting, dried herbs, which is supposed to accelerate hair growth, improve its general condition and reduce hair loss. Dobry Sen, on the other hand, is a calming and relaxing herb that will help us fall asleep. I drink them during the day and at night, and I have to say that I am already seeing good results. If you are interested in how this treatment worked for me, I invite you to read the rest of the review.

Lorem Vit, Strong Hair and Good Sleep, herbal blends
Lorem Vit, Strong Hair and Good Sleep, herbal blends

Lorem Vit Strong Hair – dietary supplement

A natural way to strengthen and thicken the hair

Strong Hair Herbal Blend – for strengthening and hair growth is a composition of carefully selected plants that are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, actively rebuilding the hair follicles. The infusion improves the condition and appearance of dry and brittle hair. A regularly consumed mixture of herbs nourishes the strands down to the ends, deeply regenerates weakened bulbs, stimulating the growth process of new, healthy and shiny hair.

Herbs for Strong Hair are:

  • preventing excessive hair loss,
  • strengthening the bulbs
  • regulating the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp,
  • inhibiting the problem of seborrhea,
  • hair thickening and thickening,
  • natural and healthy shine of hair along its entire length,
  • stimulation of the growth of new, stronger strands,
  • preventing brittleness and brittleness of hair,
  • make scalp and hair resistant to harmful external factors.

Composition – action

  • Nettle leaf – a rich source of magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, iron, as well as vitamins: A, B, C, E, K. Nettle leaf infusion is a natural, safe and effective antidote for weakened hair and oily scalp . The substances contained in the plant nourish the hair along its entire length, preventing splitting, drying and brittleness. By supporting the regeneration of hair bulbs, they anchor weakened hair, inhibiting the problem of hair loss and even baldness. Nettle leaves will also be appreciated by people struggling with the problem of oily hair and scalp. The plant refreshes, tones and gives a healthy shine to the strands.
  • Small flowered willowherb herb – shows, inter alia, anti-seborrhea properties, therefore the infusion of the plant is perfect for regulating the work of sebaceous glands in the scalp and reducing the problem of greasy hair. The herb also has a positive effect on the hormonal balance. Therefore, it is one of the effective and natural antidotes to the problem of androgenetic alopecia.
  • Fenugreek seed – is a natural hair growth stimulator. The plant prevents hair loss and keeps it healthy. Fenugreek seed is a rich source of B vitamins, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium and protein. It moisturizes dry hair, revitalizes damage, nourishes and closes the cuticles, and strengthens the strands along the entire length.
  • Saw palmetto fruit – is a natural remedy used to fight the problem of excessive hair loss, as well as androgenetic alopecia. The active substances contained in saw palmetto, including phytosterols, inhibit the process of dying hair, extending its life and anchoring it in the hair bulb. The high content of sugars and polysaccharides prevents the loss of moisture from the hair, thus improving the level of hydration and elasticity.

Positive effects appear with regular drinking of herbs.

Directions for use:

Use the measuring cup included in the package to measure portions.
Pour a glass of boiling water over a portion of the product (2 g = 1 scoop). Infuse for 10-15 minutes, covered. Consume twice a day.

Capacity: 50 g

Price: PLN 42.99

Lorem Vit, Strong Hair and Good Sleep, herbal blends
Lorem Vit, Strong Hair and Good Sleep, herbal blends

Lorem Vit Dobry sen – dietary supplement

Easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality

Herbs for better sleep allow you to relax and calm down before rest, and make the body regenerate better during sleep. They are recommended for stressed people, struggling with insomnia or suffering from other sleep disorders.

Good Sleep Herbs:

  • make it easier to fall asleep,
  • have a calming effect,
  • reduce the feeling of anxiety, mental tension and irritability,
  • help with insomnia,
  • reduce the number of awakenings during sleep,
  • ensure a deep and restful sleep all night long.

Our herbs for better sleep are 100% natural. It is an extremely effective combination that comprehensively supports healthy sleep and is a helpful remedy for insomnia.

Composition – action

  • Valerian root – shows sedative and hypnotic properties. It soothes the symptoms of neurosis, reduces anxiety and has an anti-anxiety effect. It removes insomnia caused by excessive nervous tension. Reduces the number of awakenings at night.
  • Lemon balm leaf – helps to regain mental balance. It improves your well-being. It has a calming effect and accelerates falling asleep. It is helpful with vegetative neuroses, excessive nervous stimulation and severe stress.
  • Hops flower – soothes the nervous system, reducing the excessive activity of the cerebral cortex. It helps you relax and calm down. It tolerates irritability and anxiety. It shortens the time needed to fall asleep and ensures the continuity of sleep.
  • Narrow-leaved lavender flower – relaxes, removing mental anxiety and anxiety. It contributes to falling asleep faster and to improving the quality of sleep. It makes you feel more refreshed when you wake up. It eliminates insomnia.
  • Root of sluggishness – increases resistance to stress and relieves the feeling of anxiety, thanks to which it helps you fall asleep. It significantly improves the quality of sleep. It supports the regeneration of the body during the night rest. It has a beneficial effect on well-being.
Lorem Vit - Dobry Sen - herbs

Positive effects appear with regular drinking of herbs.

Directions for use:

Use the measuring cup included in the package to measure portions.
Pour a glass of boiling water over a portion of the product (2 g = 2 scoops). Infuse for 10-15 minutes, covered. Consume once a day.

Capacity: 50 g
PLN 42.99

Lorem Vit, Strong Hair and Good Sleep, herbal blends

Lorem Vit, my opinion about herbs:

Lorem Vit offers many herbal blends. I chose two types of ready-made herbs: Strong Hair and Good Sleep, because these are the problems I have recently had and I would like to focus on. Strong Hair is a ready-made mixture of interesting, dried herbs, which is supposed to accelerate hair growth, improve its general condition and reduce hair loss. Dobry Sen, on the other hand, is a calming and relaxing herb that will help us fall asleep.

In an airtight, string bag you will find a scoop for herbs and a beautifully fragrant dried fruit. There was a lot of information about the composition and action on the packaging, which I also liked. Of course, we can buy herbs separately and compose our own mixtures, but I’m not sure if it would be much cheaper.

Here we have really interesting ingredients, in the right proportions. I have the impression that the taste has also been tested and adapted, because in both mixtures I do not mind at all, and we know that it can be different with herbs.

Strong Hair is a ready-made mixture of interesting, dried herbs, which is supposed to accelerate hair growth, improve its general condition and reduce hair loss. I am still struggling with it, so hoped it would help me with it even more.

The herbal mixture Lorem Vit contains a really interesting and well-composed composition, such as willowherb and saw palmetto, so I liked it immediately, I think that it could also be made into a strong lotion and hair rinse, it would certainly be effective and helpful in the fight for healthy hair.
For now, however, I am testing the teas themselves. I drink them during the day and at night, and I have to say that I am already seeing good results.

Lorem Vit, Strong Hair and Good Sleep, herbal blends

Due to the recent stresses at work, my sleep cycle was disturbed at some point, and drinking these herbs on a regular basis every evening probably really helped me, because I have a problem with falling asleep much less often. This is similar to the effect of the valerian herbal pills I used to take, I get sleepy and tired and the anxiety and racing thoughts fade away. I finally wake up well-rested and have no side effects of such a preparation, unlike typical sleep medications.

Related: Biotevit | cheap biotin for fast hair growth, does it work?

My hair has stopped falling out so much, I can see the effects in the bathtub drain and when brushing. My hair grew about 2 cm this month and I had to dye the roots, but this is also the advantage of conscious care – rubbers, masks, massages, etc., so it is difficult to be completely objective about the action here. However, I think the herbs helped here, because I usually have little growth even with intensive care treatments.

Lorem Vit, Strong Hair and Good Sleep, herbal blends
Lorem Vit, Strong Hair and Good Sleep, herbal blends


Lorem Vit herbal mixtures are completely natural and have a good effect, they gave me really visible results in a short time. I am already satisfied with these results and I will definitely continue the treatment after the break. I think that after another month the effects on my hair will be even better. I am satisfied, but if I could change something, it would be just bigger and more eco-friendly packaging. It would also be nice to have a metal can and an additional supply for it in eco-cardboard.

Do you use herbs for sleep and fast hair growth?

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