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How to plant avocado from seed? A simple guide

Hello, beloved! I come to you today with an entry about how to plant an avocado. Planting it from a seed is very simple and usually easy to take.

It is true that such a plant needs fruit for several years, even 6-8, but in the meantime it will be a very decorative home plant. Then we can take it to the balcony or terrace, unfortunately it must winter in the apartment – as an exotic tree, unfortunately, it is not resistant to frost. Still, I know a person who is already harvesting avocado planted in a large pot.

It’s definitely worth a try, especially since the stone is left after the avocado eaten, so it is a free plant, and no waste. I invite you to post about home-grown this delicious and healthy fruit.

How to plant avocado from seed? A simple guide
Awokado z pestki

How to plant avocado with pits

When buying avocados, check if it is soft and has no brown spots – the fruit should have a green skin. We cut the fruit in half and gently remove the stone from the inside, being careful not to damage it. Of course, we eat the rest of the fruit, while the stone is best soaked immediately.

How to root avocado stone

awokado z pestki

Wash the stone and remove the brown skin. We find the top of the avocado, usually the conical part is the top and the wider is the bottom. In the central part of the stone, stick 3 toothpicks diagonally, at equal distances from each other, so that they stably rest on the glass. The stone must not be too deeply submerged in water, otherwise it will rot. We set the fruit on the walls of a glass or jar and fill it with water.

Place the glass in a bright place, e.g. on a window sill. We regularly refill the jar and replace it with a new one every few days. The stone will begin to crack and sprout after about 2 weeks.

How to plant avocado from seed? A simple guide
Sadzimy awokado

Soon, the bottom of the glass will fill with roots and a stalk will appear, with lovely, tiny leaves on it. Then we can plant our avocado in a pot with soil. It is not worth hurrying and planting before the plant fully develops, because it can later wither.

How to plant an avocado in a pot?

Avocados need fertile and humus-rich soil. It should be very permeable, while maintaining moisture. Therefore, ordinary soil for indoor plants will not be suitable for him. It is best to mix it with peat and sand or perlite.

Jak zasadzić awokado z pestki?
Jak zasadzić awokado z pestki?

We put the plant in a pot similar in size to the container in which the roots germinated. It shouldn’t be too big.

We put the stone so that 2-3 cm protrude above the surface of the earth and tap around. Don’t forget to water it well – the roots are used to fresh water.

How to plant avocado from seed? A simple guide
Awokado w doniczce

How to grow avocado from seed?

Avocados like moist soil, so after planting, you need to plant it regularly, but do not water it abundantly. In winter, we can water once a week. The plant likes warm and sunny positions, but not full sun. It will grow quickly. We need them once a year, preferably in the spring, transplant into a larger pot and fertilize properly.

Avocado paste, a healthy alternative to margarine

Jak zasadzić awokado z pestki?
Jak zasadzić awokado z pestki?

Avocados must not be grown below 10 degrees. In late spring and summer we can keep it in the garden or on the balcony, but should winter at home. As an exotic tree, unfortunately, it is not resistant to Polish frosts, therefore it may not survive in the garden. It is a pot, terrace or balcony plant. It can also live at home as a beautiful, original and free houseplant.

Will you try to grow your own avocado?


How to root avocado pits?
We put 3 toothpicks in the central part of the stone so that they rest firmly on the glass. The stone must not be too deeply immersed in water. We put the glass on the windowsill and regularly top up the water. The stone will begin to crack and sprout after about 2 weeks.

How to plant an avocado in a pot?
Mix soil for house plants with peat and sand or perlite. We put the stone so that 2-3 cm protrude above the ground. We water regularly.

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