Hey guys! Today I have prepared another post for you about health and natural care methods – home methods for sunburn.
If you are going on vacation and / or you want to quickly sunbathe in the sun, but you are afraid of skin damage and health problems, this post is just for you! Going out into the bright sun without preparation can definitely end badly. In summer it is easy to get sunburn, and with them reddened skin, troublesome itching, peeling and severe pain are unfortunately common holiday ailments. But fortunately, there are simple home remedies for dealing with this problem. I invite you to my advice and the rest of the post.

1. Home remedies for sunburn: aloe
Aloe is a wonderful plant with healing and cosmetic effects that everyone knows by now. For centuries, it has also been used in face and body cosmetics as well as in natural hair care.
Thanks to its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera is also a great remedy for sunburn. This underestimated plant soothes pain, burning and regenerates the epidermis, so it will be perfect for our home treatment. Aloe in the form of a ready-made cosmetic, e.g. aloe vera gel, can be found in every pharmacy and many drugstores, but if we have access to a fresh plant, such leaves will certainly work even more effectively. And natural!
Aloe for burns – how to use?
Use a sharp knife to cut off the stem of the handsome leaf from the plant. Remove the peel and select the jelly-like inside of the leaf, then rub until smooth. If it is too thick, you can add a little water or oil to it to make it easier to apply to sore skin. Sometimes the gel in the leaves is very rare in nature and can be directly applied to the burned areas. Repeat treatments with aloe vera several times a day until symptoms disappear.

2. Home remedies for sunburn: tomatoes
The advantage of this method is undoubtedly its very easy accessibility. We can get the tomato at the grocery store, grocery store, and grocery store, although we probably already have it in the fridge. How do these fruits work on our skin?
The tomato contains lycopene – an antioxidant that effectively regenerates burns and damage to the epidermis, and vitamins C, A and E, helpful in skin healing. As you can see, it is not only healthy to eat on our daily table, but it will also help with skin care – both from the inside and the outside. One more reason to always have tomatoes at home – and even better in your garden!
Aloe for burns – how to use?
Chill the tomatoes in the fridge or quickly – in the freezer. Cut them into thick slices and place on burned skin, preferably rubbing in lightly. You can make a dressing, e.g. with gauze and / or a bandage. Keep burns in place for at least an hour, although this treatment is best repeated for best burn treatment effects.
Tomatoes also protect us from burns, even against sunbathing – thanks to lycopten, which is the same as drinking carrot juice or taking beta carotene, you only need to eat them regularly.
I wrote about other methods for a healthy and beautiful tan in the previous post:
How to tan quickly? 5 ways to get a beautiful tan

3. Apple cider vinegar to treat sunburn.
Apple cider vinegar, which we know, for example, from digestion or hair rinses, also has a great antibacterial effect. It also speeds up the healing of wounds and burns. It is always worth having a bottle of this product in your kitchen or bathroom – it will certainly be useful on many occasions!
Vinegar for burns – how to use?
We use vinegar in small concentrations to wash skin inflammations or to cool compresses. We can also make a bath if we overdo it with lying in the sun and our entire back or legs are burnt. Pour a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a bathtub filled with lukewarm water. The bath should last about 15 minutes. Such therapy will relieve pain and redness of burned areas of the body.

4. After shave balm for pain, redness of the skin and sunburn.
When we do not have access to natural methods, such as aloe or tomatoes, we can also use cosmetics that we have known for a long time. After shave balm – whether it is for legs or a men’s after-shave cosmetic, it is also great for sunburned skin. We can temporarily reach for a gel or balm that will soothe irritation and redness. As a rule, such products contain moisturizing glycerin and soothing allantoin, d-panthenol or aloe. However, remember that it does not contain alcohol! It is also good to keep the cosmetic in the refrigerator.
It is also a good way to save space in a holiday makeup bag – an aftershave balm with a natural composition is a really multifunctional and great cosmetic!
5. Carrot oil and macerate for sunbathing.
Carrot oil is especially recommended for summer – thanks to the high content of beta-carotene, it improves the color of the skin, nourishes it, deepens and preserves the tan. Use it also after returning from the beach – it will heal any burns and redness, and the skin will be moisturized and regenerated for a long time. You can also add it to your favorite lotion. For all skin irritations and burning, use a mixture of aloe oil and gel as a quick serum to regenerate the whole body and face after sunbathing. It will definitely work great!
Do you already have holiday sunbathing? Ania