Hey guys ! I decided to cheer myself up on a good day with a delicious “Plum in chocolate” smoothie.
The inspiration for it was, of course, one of my favorite prune chocolates, which I can not eat anymore because calories / unhealthy / diet / I gave up sugar and most importantly, I do not have them at home … And I have a lot of plums that need to be finally consumed and the rain continues to fall outside the window, so it’s time to dust off my beloved blender and make yourself something sweet and healthy.
Such a cocktail not only improves well-being, but also contains a complex of essential minerals and vitamins (good for skin imperfections, brittle nails and hair growth) and a wealth of fiber, which is important for dieters like me. Yes, I also used this cocktail during the week of the cocktail shake diet, which, I must admit, allowed me to get rid of a few extra pounds without the yo-yo effect. Check out my recipe!

Chocolate smoothie – how to make?
- small Greek yogurt 0% fat
- a teaspoon of linseed
- two small, soaked, prunes
- three large plums, fresh or frozen (or only dried, then more, but no extra fiber because you know …
- carob or dark, unsweetened, real cocoa
- half a teaspoon of sweetener, e.g. stevia, coconut sugar, xylitol
- three soaked dates together with a little water
- a piece of banana and apple until thickened
- a teaspoon of fiber or bran
- possibly I also add ground hemp seeds, which give the mixture a nutty flavor, they are also a great source of additional protein – they can be replaced with protein supplement or maca powder or, for example, with ground flakes
It is best to soak the plums, seeds and dates in one glass in a little warm water. Then grind everything at low speed in a blender, adding enough banana to make the consistency quite thick and as much sweetener and cocoa to be as delicious as possible 😉 I like very chocolate, dark and sweet.
See also- “Rafaello”, homemade coconut balls (keto, LCHF, low carb)

Chocolate smoothie – my comments
Speaking of blending – sometimes I even throw in slightly soaked dates, because my beloved blender manages to grind everything, you don’t even have to cut too much, I put in the ingredients cut by, yes, even a carrot.
I read that when making cocktails a good blender with blades is the basis, but when I started my diet, I simply bought one of the cheapest in the store and it works great. For everyday use, I do not need some kind of design and super sharp knives, all I need is a cheap, ordinary cup blender, which takes up little space and with which you do not have to play too much – rinse, wash and put in the dishwasher every few days. The blades have not been blunted in over four years, the engine works fine, I have nothing to complain about. Despite the fact that I try to follow minimalism, I still do not regret buying it, because it was also very useful for grinding soups, making homemade ice cream, for preserving and even as an additional food processor in the season of baking several cakes at once.

So what, do you feel like having such a nutritious treat? 🙂