Hi! Today I have something delicious for you – sweet pudding pancakes; great idea for a winter breakfast.
Warm and brown, fragrant pancakes will definitely taste everything, and they are more healthy than the traditional, heavy ones that we remember from home cooking. Pudding pancakes almost do not contain fat, but they provide us with a lot of protein and vitamins, so needed at this time of year. If you want to see how these pies taste, I invite you to the recipe.

Recipe for pudding pancakes
Ingredients for the dough (1 person)
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons pudding without sugar, preferably type: vanilla, cream
- a teaspoon of erythrole or honey / malt / syrup
Prepare the ingredients. Add eggs to the bowl, add the pudding and sweeteners and mix thoroughly. If you do for more than one person, multiply the amount of ingredients. it is also easier to mix the dough with a blender.

Heat a frying pan and fry two thin or one thicker pancake. I fry them in a Teflon pan without fat. They get faster than these traditions, so be careful not to burn them. Then prepare the filling.
They can be made from ingredients that you have at home or what you feel like, e.g. fruit or regular jam.

Pudding pancakes filling
White cheese filling:
Half a cube of white, lean cheese (or vegan-tofu) crush with a fork, add a tablespoon of yogurt (vegetable milk), vanilla sugar, previously soaked raisins and a teaspoon of honey.
Vanilla and vanilla filling.
Greek or skyr yogurt is mixed with almond butter, honey and vanilla, and we put pancakes. Sprinkle with roasted almond flakes on top.
Fruit filling
Pancakes smear with any jam, e.g. raspberry, apricot, translate with slices of fresh fruit and roll into a roll.
Chocolate-date filling
Pancakes can also be translated into a mass of dates blended with bitter cocoa or chocolate. Banana slices go well with them.
Nut filling
We make diy home-made butter from any nuts or lubricate with buy (with a healthy composition, without unnecessary additives). Sprinkle with nuts roasted with honey on top.
Related: Fit carrot cake – healthy and tasty

Are you tempted by such a warm breakfast? Enjoy your meal!