Hey guys! Today I have a recipe for you for a delicious and healthy dinner that can be made in literally five minutes – IKEA vegan meatballs.
GRÖNSAKSBULLAR, vegetable balls from IKEA, are a real hit. Of course, you can buy them in a shop restaurant in a typical dinner set for 5.99 (or in a smaller set for children who can also be fed). Great that there is an option to eat a normal lunch while shopping, not just forever potatoes with salad! Once upon a time, Ikea had soy chops on offer, I remember – in a greasy breadcrumbs, not very good and no wonder that they did not catch on. But cutlets are a sensation because they are tasty and inexpensive. Plus vegan and healthy. If you were interested, check out my post.

Ikea meatballs – delicious, vegan frozen food
Not everyone knows that in the IKEA store with Swedish delicacies you can buy ready-made balls, deep-frozen, which you only need to reheat. At my house they are always with the freezer. The patties are warm, browned, slightly seasoned – too much, you can adjust. Mainly composed of protein and vegetables, not a single unnecessary ingredient, they are a brilliant rescue kit for a super-fast dinner and no child who was visiting me has yet ordered their consumption 🙂
Similar: Avocado paste – five delicious recipes

Ike meatballs – how to prepare?
Taking out a portion and reheating without defrosting it in a pan, oven or
fryer, at the first attempt I decided to fry it in a small amount of coconut oil – it did not work out too well, as it happens with such products, it is difficult to defrost and not burn, and not drown in fat.

I’ve always made them on my Tefal electric grill afterwards and they come out perfect, warm and browned in less than five minutes. All you have to do is make salads and set brown rice / pasta / spaghetti with sauce or whatever you like to have a delicious dinner ready for the whole family in a maximum of ten minutes. Plus it’s vegan and naturally healthy, full of protein and nutrients.
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