Hey guys! Today I have another post about healthy recipes – Elderberry flower syrup.
You surely know this tree blooming white, growing near forests and in groves. We collect these plants for berries, because elderberry syrup or tincture is a great remedy for colds. However, already now we can collect fresh, blooming lilac flowers and make many interesting and healthy recipes from them, the proposals of which will surely appear on the blog soon. we currently have a flowering season for elderberry trees, so I encourage you to pick flowers, if you see them, of course the ones growing far from the busy road. Today I invite you to my recipe for elderberry flower syrup.It is an effective remedy for colds, has a diaphoretic effect and strengthens the immune system. However, we can also drink it in summer – dissolved in water, it becomes a delicious and healthy lemonade with a very interesting, sweet taste, which can be served to guests on hot days, with ice cubes. Pride!

Elderberry flowers – properties and application
Elderberry flowers contain unique substances that have a natural strengthening and antiviral effect. They are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and sodium. In addition, elderberry contains trace elements: iron, copper, manganese and zinc, flavonoids and phenyl acids, tannins and pectins. Black elderberry also contains choline, which lowers blood pressure and prevents excessive accumulation of fat in the body.
Elderberry flower syrup is an effective remedy for colds, it is diaphoretic and strengthens the immune system. We can store it as a medicine, in sealed jars until autumn or drink it now. The syrup tastes great with tea, with the addition of water it also becomes a delicious and healthy lemonade.
Elderberry flowers should be harvested in full bloom, on a dry and sunny day, along with the entire inflorescence, which can also be trimmed with scissors.
The use of elderberry flower syrup
- works expectorant and dilutes runny nose,
- works diaphoretic and antiviral,
- protects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract,
- strengthens the body’s immunity,
- stabilizes blood circulation and strengthens capillaries,
- relieves pain
- removes free radicals,
- accelerates the metabolism,
- soothes skin inflammation

Elderflower syrup recipe :
- approx. 40 elderberry flowers
- juice squeezed from 5 large lemons
- 2 liters of water
- 1 kg of sugar (cane, coconut, white)
Time needed: 30 min ..
The recipe for the syrup of elderberry blossoms
- Preparation of flowers.Put the flowers on the paper so that the worms come out. Then separate them from the stems, it is best to cut them with a pruner or scissors.
- Withdrawal.Pour boiling water over the flowers, cover and set aside in a cool place for a few hours, preferably overnight.
- Mixing ingredients.Then strain the flowers from the water, add sugar and lemon juice. Stir the whole thing and heat it up gently – the sugar must dissolve completely, but do not boil the syrup!
- Preparation of jars.We will keep the syrup in jars, so we have to wash and steam them first. They must be such as for canning, glass and tightly closed containers – jars, bottles, preferably of dark glass.
- Transfer.Do not boil the syrup, but bring it to a boil quickly and pour it immediately into prepared containers. We twist them and put them upside down on a cloth. Invert the jars when they are completely cool. We no longer need to pasteurize, sugar is a natural preservative that will keep our syrup fresh for a long time.
We can keep a small batch of syrup in the refrigerator for several days, just like self-opened jars. The larger batch should be kept in a dark, cool place, e.g. in a cupboard, pantry or in the attic, to make it last until autumn.
Related: Aloe vera- properties and use in natural cosmetics
Elderberry flower syrup – how to apply?
I usually drink it as lemonade, with the addition of cool water, fruit juices and ice cubes. It has a very interesting, sweetish taste that is simply amazing on hot days. On colder days, we drink the syrup as an addition to warm tea. It has health properties and replaces any sweetening. You can also use it in the kitchen – pour it over juices or ice cream. The syrup can be taken as a medicine and you can drink a tablespoon of the syrup undiluted as a fortifying and antiviral treatment. The mixture can also be dissolved in lukewarm water and given to throat patients. During the infection period, you can drink even a few tablespoons of the syrup a day – it will certainly speed up our recovery and help us to immunize, in addition, it is a really delicious mixture. There is no need to encourage children to take this medicine! I strongly encourage you to try my recipe.
Do you use home treatments or rather traditional medications prescribed by a doctor?