Hey guys! Today I have another DIY for you: black turnip juice as a lotion for hair loss, dandruff and fast hair growth. It is a popular method of cheap hair growth promoted by hair bloggers from many years ago. I have tested it several times in my life because it is incredibly cheap, quite effective and easily available.
Unfortunately, it is very unpleasant to use – the scalp burns terribly from it. So I don’t recommend testing for sensitive scalps, there’s no point in getting tired! However, I can assure you that apart from the baking and the strange smell of the vegetable, I had no problems with this lotion. No irritation, itching or an increase in hair loss. On the contrary, the turnip has proved to be great for me! Like nothing else, it helped in the fight for beautiful and long hair.
For centuries, black turnip has been used in natural cosmetics as a remedy to strengthen the bulbs, accelerate hair growth, thicken them by the overflow of baby hair, it also helped to eliminate dandruff and reduce hair loss. Due to its valuable properties and action, the black turnip extract is the basis of shampoos and conditioners to this day, and you can also find it in ready-made scalp lotions. Their action, however, will not be as fast and effective as fresh juice. In addition, this home treatment with black turnips is very cheap, natural and easy to do – turnips at the market cost pennies and we need even a week of daily use. That’s why I invite you to my post and a recipe for DIY turnip home-made soap.

Black turnip juice lotion for hair – DIY recipe
- 1 black turnip tuber,
- water, green / black tea, herbal tea, hydrolate etc.
- a glass and a syringe,
- rubber gloves,
- mixer or grater
Time needed: 10 minutes.
Black turnip juice as a hair growth balm
- We prepare the ingredients.Wash the turnips, cut off the stalk. Cut off a piece of vegetables and carefully peel them from the skin. Wear gloves as the juice is searing.
- Mixing.Grate the turnip on the smallest mesh or blend it finely. Let it stand for a few minutes.
- Squeezing.From such grated turnips we have to squeeze the juice – strain it through a small strainer, gauze, old stocking or drain it gently with a spoon.
- Ready.We take the juice into a glass and dilute it with the chosen liquid. Apply the resulting rub evenly to the scalp with a syringe. 5 ml is enough for one use. Then we perform a gentle massage.
Similar: Stomach drops as a hair growth lotion | DIY

Black turnip juice lotion- notes:
You can get used to the scent of turnips, but the scalp is a bit sticky, so use this treatment once a day, at night – or rub it in only before washing your hair.
The stinging and feeling hot after rubbing it in is intense, but it disappears after a few minutes and should not irritate the scalp. Just in case, I recommend using something soothing as a replacement, such as aloe vera juice, or witch hazel.
The remaining juice can be stored in the refrigerator for next use. However, it is better to prepare fresh portions each time, because the smell of turnips becomes stronger and the liquid spoils quickly.
Do you use homemade lotions? Asia