Hey guys! Today I have another post for you about the natural care of hair, face and body – aloe and its properties and use in cosmetics.
You surely know how many products with aloe vera on the cosmetic market; starting with gels, through hair masks, face creams and even bath products and soaps. It is therefore worth considering why this herb is so popular on the cosmetic market – and not only in natural and organic cosmetics. Virtually every company uses this ingredient to some extent in the recipes of its products. No wonder, because aloe has many beneficial properties for our beauty and health. If you are interested in it and you want to see what are the features of this herb and why it is worth reaching for it, I invite you to the rest of the post.

Aloe in cosmetics
Aloe Vera is a species of a large family of cacti and occurs naturally in the Canary Islands. Since time immemorial, it has been widely used in the cosmetology industry and in medicine .
If you’ve ever had aloe vera growing at home or seen it harvested in movies, you know that the raw material used in cosmetics is long green leaves . After breaking them off and removing the skin, we get a transparent gel that can be immediately applied to the skin. To this day, I remember when my grandmother used to smear my scalp with such a fresh, cut leaf.
Aloe, however, is most often used in the form of a ready-made, shop gel made of concentrated aloe extract or aloe juice, which we use to treat burns, minor skin infections, to soothe and heal wounds. Research has shown that it is also useful in treating persistent inflammation. In addition, it has properties anti-inflammatory, regenerating, virucidal, bactericidal and antifungal.
Aloe penetrates deep into the skin along with other active substances contained in cosmetics. That is why it is often used in cosmetics for the production of lotions, creams and hair shampoos. It is also very popular in preparations for the treatment of acne skin. Aloe vera juice also soothes irritation and the effects of burns and moisturizes the skin . It is used in hair care cosmetics – aloe vera eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. It also acts as a natural antiperspirant.

What is the use of herbs in cosmetics?
Heals sunburn
Aloe acts as a protective layer on the skin to prevent chafing of moisture. Due to its nutritional and antioxidant properties, it regenerates damaged layers of the epidermis.
Sage home remedies for dandruff and gray hair
Has a moisturizing effect
Aloe gel perfectly moisturizes the skin without leaving a greasy film on it. Thanks to this, it is an alternative to cream and a great base for makeup.
It soothes irritations and heals wounds
We use aloe vera gel or juice on all wounds and irritated skin surfaces, e.g. abrasions and shaving marks.
Supports the treatment of acne and skin problems
Aloe vera contains the plant hormones auxin and gibberellin that promote wound healing and have anti-inflammatory properties. In Ayurvedic medicine, aloe vera is commonly used to treat acne, psoriasis and pimples.
It has an anti-aging effect
Aloe contains antioxidants, including beta carotene, vitamin C and E, which improve skin firmness, deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, supporting its regeneration.
It helps to reduce the visibility of stretch marks
Regular use of gel helps in the fight to maintain the elasticity of the skin, firms and brightens the color of scars, reducing the visibility of stretch marks.
Works as a natural antiperspirant
Aloe vera will not only heal the irritation after shaving the armpits, but also help in the fight against sweat, bacteria and unpleasant smell.
Moisturizes and smoothes the hair
Aloe is a natural humectant. It has deeply moisturizing and smoothing properties. It is commonly used in masks, conditioners, lotions and hair lotions.
It has a beneficial effect on the scalp
Aloe also has a soothing and moisturizing effect on the scalp – it eliminates dandruff, strengthens and nourishes the hair follicles, and prevents hair loss. That is why I often use it to make DIY home cosmetics – rubs, masks and cheeses.
Similar: Fenugreek in hair care – rince, mask, spray

I hope that I convinced you to use cosmetics with aloe vera more often. I always try to have a clean gel at home, which is a multifunctional and great cosmetic, both in the home medicine cabinet and in the cosmetic bag. I will try to write you another post soon, this time about my favorite natural cosmetics containing a high concentration of this beneficial ingredient. The use of herbs in everyday care will undoubtedly bring us great results – after all, there is nothing more naturally moisturizing!
Do you use cosmetics with aloe?