Hey guys! Today I have another entry for you from the cycle oh well, can you wash your hair with only water?
When I was reading about various methods of natural hair washing that do not require the use of strong detergents or silicones that harm the hair, I also came across a “no poo” method of washing, i.e. without shampoos, incl. washing your hair with flour, washing nuts, herbs, ash or … Washing your hair with only water.
While I could wash my little dirty hands in water only, I was not convinced that my hair would like such washing. Certainly, water alone would not clean the mixture of exhaust fumes sediment, natural sebum and dust. Yes, all of this accumulates on our hair every day. And she certainly wouldn’t be able to handle styling products.
However, I immediately remembered my grandmother’s stories about washing your hair in the river in the past. Or it was collecting rainwater. Well, what was the water back then and what is it now: hard, chlorinated water flowing in water pipes. You know, it’s not necessarily good for our beauty in itself.

Washing your hair with only water – does it work?
On the other hand, the water could slightly refresh the hair washed the day before. I always pour warm water on my hair before emulsifying the oil to rinse it a little first and it works fine. Let’s say at least half of the oil will drain out with the shower.
I also noticed that if I go into the shower without a cap on my head, even oiled hair is refreshed, slightly moisturized. After all, water vapor acts like a mini sauna, it causes better absorption of nourishing substances into the skin and hair. This is especially true for me after dyeing my hair with Senesa or Cassia , where I have little drying and it does not affect the penetration of the dye. Or after using linseed gel as a styler, the so-called rusks.
Washing your hair with only water – how to wash your hair?
If you want to try – there is nothing easier (or cheaper). Hair can be wrapped in a loose bun and the water should be a little warmer – you just need to generate more steam. However, I tried the method of washing my hair with water only during my Inversion Week. I didn’t want to wash my hair every day, even with the mildest shampoo, because I got used to washing it less often, it could just get dry. But I was afraid to leave the oil on my hair for so long (after all, after two hours my head started to itch, well).
How to wash your hair with only water?
This washing works by shifting the sebum off the scalp so it doesn’t look stale anymore. Water only method – how does it work? First of all – the water has to be warm too hot, not cool, just the same. First, pour over the head over the bathtub, gradually moving the shower down, then comb the hair from top to bottom to move the sebum to the dry length and ends.

Effects for me:
I washed my hair previously oiled with a mixture of castor oil and butters, so it was not easy 🙂 I rinsed it long enough with warm water, rubbed it gently with my fingers. The oil itself washed off well, but after drying, the hair was still a bit heavy. They smelled, unfortunately a mixture. It is true that it would be possible to walk like that, but in the morning I had a total “fluff” and greasy hair on my head. But that I wasn’t going anywhere, and I was about to oil my scalp again … I was able to sit down.
Washing off the oil with water is better than not washing it off at all. I could refresh myself for a day. Definitely good to try on the go – when we have the option to choose a hotel mini shampoo or even soap … It can also work as an alternate wash when using the inversion method for someone who, for example, gives much less oil on the scalp or uses lighter, unsaturated oils.
However, the next day I focused on massaging with water plus emulsifying the oil with a hair conditioner, this time it was Agafia’s Russian Hair Balm, strengthening and stimulating the growth of thin and weak hair , because I wanted to use it completely. It did not let me down, it is good for emulsifying oil – hair is soft, fragrant, oil washed off – you can go out to people! 🙂
The two benefits of washing your hair with only water are an extra effect on faster hair growth and strengthening, plus the satisfaction of using the product.
See also: How to wash your hair without shampoo? No poo method
What do you think about washing with water? Do you use natural washing methods in your care?