Hi guys! Epsom salt can have many health-promoting applications, unfortunately not the food one used for salting dishes. Bitter salt, magnesium sulfate, also known as Epson salt, is one of the cheapest treatments we can use to help ourselves with everyday ailments. It is also good for beauty.
I have had salt at home for some time, because I have often used it to cut the protein with the homemade Tofu cheese. Unfortunately, I haven’t made it for a long time, due to lack of time and easier availability of vegan products in stores. I felt sorry for the wasted packaging, however, and began to read what it could be used for.

What is bitter salt?
Epson salt is a combination of magnesium and sulfur, the sum formula MgSO4 * 7H2O, which is magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. It resembles table salt (sodium chloride), but it is bitter in taste (hence the name), has no smell, has a neutral pH for the skin. It is obtained from springs near the English town of Epson, hence the name of the preparation. This specificity has been used in industry, cosmetics and medicine. However, it is best known as one of the most popular and available in the world… laxatives. However, salt has a number of amazing beneficial effects for our body, which I will list below.
Where to buy?
I bought Epsom salt during the Free Shipping Days in an online pharmacy. A 25g sachet costs about PLN 4, for 50 g you will pay PLN 8. I think it should be in every pharmacy and you don’t need to order it online.

What can we use Epsom Salt for?
Body scrub
Mix salt with any shower gel or oil and massage the body with it. It is a cosmetic similar to a ready-made sugar peel. After it, the skin is smooth, soft and moisturized, and the salt dissolves in warm water and leaves no residue on the bathtub.
Face scrub
We do it in the same way as the one for the body, but remember not to massage too intensively, because it can irritate our delicate skin. Every day it is better to use finer peels, e.g. enzymatic or corundum, and this one from time to time for a very strong cleansing.
Toner against blackheads
We make Epsom salt solution: a teaspoon of salt for half a glass. We moisten a cotton pad with it and wash our face once a day. Instead of water, we can use a hydrolate and add essential oil, e.g. tea tree oil. Note – it may dry out a bit and irritate combination skin. I advise you to use it on contaminated parts by patting it, e.g. only on the chin and nose.
Face mask
Add a stronger salt solution to any cream. Instead, we can also use a mixture of egg, natural yogurt and lemon. The mask should be washed off after about 10-15 minutes.
It has a cleansing, healing and radiant effect. Since I already have salt at home, I will definitely try this recipe 🙂

Foot bath
Salt added to the pelvis with warm water reduces the bad smell of the feet, helps fight sweating and mycosis. It smoothes and refreshes the skin. We need about half a cup for a bowl of water. It can also be added to suds.
Medicinal brine bath
Dissolve about 1-2 cups of salt in hot water and add to the bathtub. Such a bath calms, relaxes, softens and smoothes the skin and accelerates wound healing. It is also useful after training, because magnesium sulphate works similar to a sauna – it soothes injuries, relaxes tired muscles, heals bruises and relaxes.
Dissolve 10 – 15 g (1 tablespoon) of Epsom salt in a glass of water and drink it. It is a very powerful agent and I advise you not to abuse it – it is recommended to patients before colonoscopy, so definitely not for home use, for temporary, slight constipation 🙂
Bitter salt also helps with insect bites, sprains or bruises. Apply compresses made of gauze soaked in brine to the treatment site. They eliminate swelling, relieve pain and itching, and accelerate the healing of bruises.
Removal of splinters
Soaking in an Epsom salt brine solution softens the skin and helps to extract the splinter.

Make a solution of 2 tablespoons of salt per glass of water and spray onto irritated skin, or you can take a bath in lukewarm water with two glasses of Epsom salt.
Scalp peeling
Add half a teaspoon of salt to the base, i.e. oil or light conditioner, massage the head and then wash the hair.
Cleansing hair shampoo
Add the dissolved salt solution to a portion of a mild shampoo if you want to increase its effect and bounce your hair off the roots.
Protein mask
The powder is mixed with any hair mask in a 1: 1 ratio, applied to the hair after washing and rinsing after approx. 20 minutes. The mask has a smoothing effect, adds flowability and helps to control oily skin.
See also: Bitter salt will replace L-cysteine mouthwash?
To sum up, I think that for this price you can buy a sachet of salt when shopping at the nearest pharmacy and try to take advantage of its many benefits for health and beauty 🙂
Which method do you like the most? 🙂