Vegan cake with fruits- easy and quick recipe

Hey guys! Today I have for you another recipe for delicious sweets: vegan cake with fruit, which can be made in the ordinary or vegan version.

Perfect for coffee and for unannounced guests, making dough is simple and takes little time. We can bake them with any fruit – fresh or compote, and even make a vegan version of apple pie with crumble. I already baked them with compote-free cherries, frozen plums and canned peaches. Each time it came out perfectly and delicious. The household members will definitely taste the tasty dessert. Are you tempted by my healthy cake?

Vegan cake with fruit
Vegan cake with fruit

Vegan cake with fruits


  • 250 g flour 
  • 150 g brown sugar or sweetener
  • 1 op. vanilla sugar
  • 1 op. baking powder (15 g) 
  • 135 ml oil 
  • 250 ml cold water or soy milk 
  • any fruit


First, we prepare and measure out the ingredients. If you use pickle or compote fruit, they must drip for a while. Now we need to mix all dry ingredients, preferably a high spoon in a bowl. Then we add oil and oil and water / milk, we mix everything thoroughly. A smooth, lump-free mass should come out.

We heat the oven to 180 degrees.

We grease the round form and put the mass on it. Finally, put fruit on this dough. You can sting with sugar.

Bake for about 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees C.
It tastes best warm, for coffee, lightly powdered with powdered sugar.

Here, the dough with pears and cinnamon sugar:

Vegan cake with fruit
Vegan cake with fruit


  • The dough can be made in many ways – instead of a vegan sponge cake, as a cake or apple pie with crumble, with chocolate coating or in a version with nuts and raisins and cocoa.
  • If we bake a cake with fruit from a compote or can, we use a sweet pickle instead of soy milk – then we also give less sugar.
  • Instead of a top of fruit, you can put out a mass or pudding cream and put on fresh fruit.

See also:  Vegan oat cookies with cranberry and coconut

Enjoy your meal! 

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